Saturday, August 7, 2010

time can never erase time

see if memories wrap around you like this... they stand up tight and singing, next to one another. i lay in bed next to old memories and we wrap our little legs round one another and then the silence pricks me and i suck down and out of myself... and in my dreams, yes, yes, that is the only word i know how to use. there is something strange alone my spine as i drift in and out of myself--it is a knowing how to unknow and a being unreligious and unwanted and unnatured. i was looking at my hand today--together, wrinkled hand, the low and the dark and the filter of it, its color groaning, and i thought, wow! this hand this very hand has been with me since i was born, this hand will be with me when i die. this hand is not going anywhere--and even now it has to be repeated, this hand will not, will never leave me.

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