it's raining. yep. i'm sitting on my bed. yep yep. things in my mind; they make no sense. such a cliche, i am, such a such a. i am a total; i am in total; i am the one thing; la la la.
supposedly; the one remark i had to hold onto was: this one. uh huh he said: yes she said, i thought that too. and the two of them; and the three of them; oh and their memories, they all held hands and in the grass; and in the holes they were digging; yes the two of them, we thought we would make it to china! and one day; was thought--one day they thought, yes yes
hear a dog bark; hear a finger or two triple digits; hear a lil music spinning into this one ear; hear the time and it's jagged porpoise skin; hear hear and i hear what simply allows drip drop drip into my ear; i am a number, i am nothing but a simple number. what number complex real and allowable figure two pointed three and conversible and recharagable disposable retractable fraction division multiple and quotient, a beginning, a decimal, a square and a prime. only what is true can be traced back until it was nothing, nothing nothing
backwards thoughts; is who he i am nothing link hello girly fathom star jiggle yours train gift harry broom tank fifth vinegar teeth ruth yarn fun volcano
forwards is no fun
i like this. im not really sure why. it just kinda makes sense. it flows nicely.
and did you know you cant tell the difference between a positron (aka an anti-electron) and an electron moving backwards in time?
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