Friday, April 30, 2010

edit yourself

strap me in
hello press enter
corrosive noises
latin in the palm
lying under blanket
suffering dynamic
shit i said
runs its course
track me down i
might not stay


descriptions silver and plain:

tumbly black weeds of clothing and
filthy frogs of book cover
shattering vise of phone
longitudinal intricate eloquent long white cord
holy shell of a blanket
perturbed computer
shellack of printer
grip tonged fan
sheltering peas of feather
noise of color of paint of number of white of black of


if you were a wall
what would you look like
here let me spill a little
fingers jutting into frigid
and sore swollen eyes
and ripple tool breath
whatever has happened
to the noise
of coming into being:
it stops, being in its place
are chins swallowing motions
place behind or in front
of eyes where everything
stops you say stop stop!
i have an outline
around me: edges of me
i cannot jump from
they wrap me up
stay two steps outside
of me; she plummets she
cannot purge these
frigid little
molten outlines they
underwhelm and
subtract her they
capture the breath use it
to draw infinity lines
in tangible black and white

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